Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Change The Way You Think About Cardio Vascular Exercises

Change The Way You Think About Cardio Vascular

You are drowning in a sea of cardiovascular machines and intimidated by the idea of the right cardio exercise for you. I have worked in the fitness industry for a long time and I recognize the look.
You need to forget, as with all training regimes, the counterproductive notion that within this sea of cardiovascular machines is just the one for you.

 You’ll be delighted to know that there is no such need for such CV monogamy.              
 In fact settling in to the same old ways will stop you enjoying all the diverse benefits that high and low intensity cardio can bring you.

Cardio Vascular exercise is defined by the National Physical Activity guidelines as ‘the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to working muscle tissues with the ability of the muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for movement’ or in layman’s terms any exercise that forces your heart rate to beat faster. Cardio exercise, when optimized, can do the following for you.
  • Reduce  your stress
  • Give you  better quality sleep
  • Give you confidence about how you feel and look
  • Make you lose weight faster
·         Improve your brain. Including an increase in concentration and prevention of memory loss. A study conducted by the Centre for BrainHealth at The University of Texas saw 57-75 yr olds show a higher metabolic rate and increased neuronal activity in the anterior cingulate after just 3 hours a week of exercise on a stationary bike and treadmill. The anterior cingulate is the primary link between superior cognition in late life.

To give your body a break from excessive pounding, and to reduce the risk of injury use Low impact exercises. The Cross-trainer, Recumbent bike, and the Adaptive motion trainers (AMT’s) will minimize the compressive forces on your bones and joints. Or why not slip into a SportsDock Yoga or Pilate’s class. Improving your flexibility, balance, and inner strength. 

CV machines such as the Treadmill, Versa climber, and steppers have more compressive force thus making your blood work much harder.

The right amount of High Impact cardio exercise can increase bone density, performance and torch calories à la SportsDocks Train Insane and Body Blast classes.

Have your favorite C.V machines but try to alternate high and low impact cardio workouts working them together. After all diversity is always better. A bit of spice in life to contrast your rather sedentary work lifestyle. 

Remember to ignore any apathetic sighs you may hear from friends and beware of the growing trend to judge C.V workouts based in contrast to its rather outgoing flashy brother- the resistance trainer.

Ultimately adopting the habit of regular, varied, C.V exercise is much more important than fretting over which suits me better. 

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